venerdì 13 dicembre 2013

Immigrant - some kind of pointless word

Out of my country, I am an immigrant.
But in my country I am no more an immigrant!
In your country, I am an immigrant,
but in MY country YOU are an immigrant!

But what is a country.
Do all people from the same country are the same?
Do people from other countries are different from us?
Who designed those borders?
Who gave those names?
Under which logic has the world been divided into countries?

On one day a client at work shouts “for fuck's sake, is there anyone here who speaks proper German?”. She was talking to me before saying it. A co-worker tells her “what? She was talking in German to you” she said that was “shit German”. I am sorry for not being Goethe, but that's kind of the price you pay when you know more than 5 languages, you cannot know them all good, and she tells her husband “oh, immigrants”.

Immigrant? This word makes no sense. Who is an immigrant? Someone who is not in his homecountry. Ok, so what's the definition of “homecountry”? The country where I am at home? Well I felt at home in many countries! Oh, homecountry is where you were born. But I never felt home there so how can it possibly be my home-country if it never felt home to me? I didn't get a chance to decide where to get born! And what about “immigrant”, you called me immigrant cause I'm out of my homecountry, but if you ever step out of “your” country wouldn't you also be an immigrant? No one is an immigrant, cause it just depends on the point of view! I felt stranger in the city where I was born, and I felt at home in some cities where I was just staying for a short time.
Are countries a strict definition? When you walk off your country is everything so different? And when you're walking in “your” country is everything the same? Everything is taylor-made for you?

Fuck no!

And after all, immigration was my path in my studies and carrier (or at least the carrier I am trying to get). I imagine I interest myself for migrations because it is so fascinating and unfortunatelly underrated. How come do you see an immigrant like an enemy, a danger, a tornado who will destroy everything that's yours? An immigrant is just someone who's getting rich. In culture and in his mind. He gets to know new people new cultures and he learns from it...he becomes a better person.

Why are immigrants so underrated? Jealousy? Fear? The fear of the unknow is perhaps the strongest fear but why does an immigrant represent the unknown? Why should anyhow someone be different from us just because he was born/raised somewhere far from us? 

Do we take for granted that people who grew up in the same place as we did are similar and friends of us, while people who did far away are complete strangers who are always weird and wrong? Why their languages/food/habits/holidays are shit if we don't even know them? I have great friends who grew up on the other side of the world, and we get along way more than so many other people who grew up in the same place. I celebrated holidays and traditions which I even though were more interesting than the ones of “my” country. And backwarts.

And who ever said “immigrants come and take our jobs and women”? If you are good enough you will get the job. Foreigner or not! And women, well perhaps they are more interested in people who are more open and cultured than you.

It is really pathetic to discriminate. Once, in “my” homecountry I met a girl who studied “our” language, and was ready to study her whole degree in this country. She was denied accomodation for not being a local (few people rent only to locals), and she was always sent to her embassy because no one at government offices spoke anything but their own language. Scared and disappointed she travelled back home. She put so much effort/money in learning “our” culture and “we” sent her away for being a “foreigner”. She loved this country and now she hates it.

Locals, should we be more open and understand that “immigrants” are interesting people who can teach us amazing things?

Immigrants, should we be understanding that unfortunatelly not everyone is smart enough to understand how to behave? Should we unfortunatelly close one eye, be exemplar and be the ones to make the first move to friendship and better integration?

mercoledì 23 ottobre 2013

Wander-lust. Joyes of travelling.

Hey you,

I can tell, in 2012 I have been to 9 different countries.
Austria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Portugal, UK, Spain, Italy and...Vatican if you like to call it country.
I had basically no money, stayed at friend's places, or 8€ per night hostels, had endless rides on cheap night trains or 20 € flights. (And I don't even eat that much...)
I spoke languages I knew, and had a shot at speaking Portuguese and Czech. I was kind of ridicolous but it felt great and made people smile.

Is there anything better than travelling? Is there something that makes you feel so alive, like the way you feel when you're talking to someone from some hundred-tousend-miles away countries as if they were close friends of yours, learning a local language, counting local money, facing a local dish you have no idea what is in, walking alone getting lost in the city with a map in your hand having no clue if the place where you are at is in the map, listening the voice in the metro calling the next stop in a whole different way that you thought? Not for me.
Oh, that was the best year ever. :')

And you, what feelings make your travel best? What gives you the joy of travelling?

martedì 22 ottobre 2013

Vienna – words of a (very melancholic) insider

Wake up and get down to the center, it's my first time alone in Vienna. I get off at Herrengasse, the smell of horses and their... “product” confirms to me that I am in the city center. Just a couple steps away is the Hof, regular residence of the emperor, and after crossing it I'm at the Volksgarten – amazing for spring/summer pic nics- and the Burgring. Straight ahead is Maria-Theresien-Platz, nice green square surrounded by museums (Nature and Arts), while on the right there is the Parlament, City Hall (stunning and always hosting events in the square in front of it), Opera and the University.  

But I cross Maria-Theresien-Platz, and I am at Museumsquartier, one of the biggest cultural areas in the world: sorrounded by art museums people sit and relax with a cup of coffee at day time, and with a beer/cocktail during the night. Definitely my favorite place in Vienna.

(Museumsquartier. Source: Wikipedia)

Vienna is THE city of art, home of Hundertwasser, the singular artist, father of the Hunderwasserhaus/Kunst Haus (Untere Weißgerberstraße 13 – U Bahn Landstraße-) a must that cannot be missed. Can't leave Vienna without seeing it! 

(I have a few pictures but I decided not to upload them, as they don't really impress as much as the house seen live)

What I love about Vienna is that, even if being a very modern and up-to-date city, it gives you the feeling of living in the Habsburg times, thanks to its historical buildings. At least two must be mentioned: Belvedere, baroque palace and summer residence, and Schönbrunn, the amazing palace surrounded by stunning gardens. You might not have time to get inside, but gardens and Thriuphtur Gloriette are a must. From the Gloriette you get a breathtaking panorama of the whole city.

(Gloriette Hill, picture of mine)

Keen on having a walk up the hills? Kahlenberg is your place. Highest place in Vienna. Amazing panoramic view assured.

Amusement park? Then Prater.
(Prater Riesenrad, picture of mine)

Walk in the green? Stadtpark (city park with lake, flower art and Strauss golden statue).

Chic drinks and stunning panorama? Hotel Sofitel at Schwedenplatz. Schwedenplatz itself is quite chic with its many small bars, all of them located near each other. This party area is also called „Bermuda Triangle“.

Shopping? Stephansplatz and surroundings (Kärntner Straße). And check Stephansdom as well, the cathedral is one of the symbles of the city.

Chill out on the river? Praterinsel.

Vienna has so much to offer. And what about nightlife?
Have a drink at Museumsquartier (you can also take your own. Actually, most of people do so!) and be ready to go. My favorite bar is definitely Travel Shack, backpacker bar owned by Australian guys in the nearbyes of Westbahnhof. Good/cheap beer, “interesting” shots, up-to-date music (rock, pop). You never leave Travel Shack without having met a new friend!
For rock music I suggest Chelsea and CharlieP's, student parties at Loco and RideClub and last but not least, the legendary Praterdome. I am a withness, I walked in and everytime I did I was given a ticket for 10€ free drinks. No jokes. Well they actually give you a card which you return when you get off the club, if you consumed more than 10€ you pay the rest, otherwise you're just fine. Don't lose the card, it will be an endless tragedy to get out of there. And don't mix it up with your friends, on the card there is your picture registered.
I heard they made some changes in 2013, so they might have eliminated the 10 € free drinks card. I will be happy to hear updates.

U4 club also has to be mentioned, as they build up pretty good parties with different types of music.

Attention! In Austria it is legal to smoke inside of clubs. It was so annoying for me. Thumbs down, Austria. :(

Hungry? Try Apfelstrudel, Apfelstreusskuchen, Sachertorte (they all say this: too much chocolate! But it's delicious). Just enjoy Viennese pastry, it's all good!

Vienna is very easy for vegetarians/vegans, you can find tofu/soy products in many supermarket, and there a few vegan restaurants. My favorites are Loving Hut (there are two in the city).

What do Viennese people drink? BIER! Ottakringer, Egger, Gösser, Stiegl (I love it!), Puntigamer, Villacher, Zipfer... And also tones of wines, mainly dry ones.

(Picture from

Further tips if you have a little time:
Karlsplatz and its baroque church, Zentralfriedhof the huge monumental cemetary (important history/culture characters are buried there), Albertina Museum (one of the biggest painting collections of the world).
Have I forgotten something? Maybe. If I did please let me know your tips :) 
I left Vienna 24 months ago and I am still stunned/touched everytime I think about it.

mercoledì 28 agosto 2013

Quando parli con un tedesco...

Ti senti sfortunato. Ti rassegni davanti all'idea che la tua gioventù è stata una merda in confronto alla sua.

Un tedesco ha passato gli anni in una scuola con la palestra, piscina, campi da calcio, basket, pallavolo, attività extrascolastiche tipo lingue e sport. Tu invece andavi in una scuola dove in classe ti tenevi la giaccia perché i termosifoni non funzionavano e le finestre erano rotte, la tua scuola non aveva palestra, la prof di storia ti raccontava la sua versione ed i prof di lingua non parlavano che italiano.

Una volta all'università il tedesco non paga nessuna retta (nella maggior parte dei Land, anche se ora pare che le rette stiano vendendo abolite ovunque), ha l'opportità di trovare un minijob (450 € lordi e netti perché non soggetti a tasse, di 40 ore al mese), o un lavoro a tempo parziale che non gli impedisca di studiare e che gli permetta di sostenersi economicamente durante il tempo degli studi, che, nella maggior parte dei casi, può permettersi di fare in una città diversa da quella in cui è cresciuto. Può creare lui stesso il suo corso di studi, e può far coincidere due percorsi differenti insieme (Hauptfach, Nebenfach). Nella maggior parte dei casi non compra molti libri, studia su e-learning e su fotocopie provvedute dai docenti.

In Italia invece le rette le paghi ovunque, puoi essere esentato solamente se presenti domanda per tempo. Ma i soldi della borsa di studio arrivano con un anno di ritardo. Studi nell'università più vicina a te, non studi ciò che ti piace, ma studi la cosa che, tra l'offerta formativa limitata a quell'università, ti conviene di più. E per recarti all'università più vicina a te continui a vivere a casa dei tuoi, e prendi il trasporto pubblico tutti i giorni. Non arrivi mai in orario, sei lì sempre troppo presto o troppo tardi. A volte neanche arrivi, perché il tuo treno/bus si è rotto nel bel mezzo del nulla.
Lavori mentre studi, ma fai troppe ore e non riesci a concentrarti. E i soldi che guadagni non riescono a coprire tutte le spese. O ti trasferisci in una città lontana per studiare, chiedendo aiuto a genitori/parenti/doppi lavori/santi protettori che ti aiutino a coprire le spese.
Non capisci perché una stanza a Roma periferia costi come un monolocale in centro a Berlino.
I corsi che segui spesso non sono quelli che ti appassionano di più, sono semplicemente gli unici che ancora non sono stati chiusi per mancanza di denaro/docenti/dignità. Alcuni dei tuoi professori ti chiederanno di procurarti libri del 1600 scritti in norreno dei quali sono presenti solo 6 esemplari che si trovano attualmente nelle isole Fær Øer. Dovrai metterti in contatto con la casa editrice e convincerli a spedirtelo. Al più presto possibile. Al modico prezzo di 400 corone + 300 di spese di spedizione. Pagabili solo in contanti. Tramite un pinguino viaggiatore.

Il tedesco prende varie lauree, perché l'università è fica e lo coinvolge in interessanti progetti di ricerca. RETRIBUITI.

L'italiano si laurea in fretta e passa il suo primo mese da laureato in un centro di disintossicazione dal caffè riflettendo a come poter applicare la sua laurea nell'ambito lavorativo.

Il tedesco a questo punto prosegue la sua carriera artistica/sportiva la quale non ha dovuto abbandonare durante gli anni di studio, ma anzi, ha potuto coltivare senza problemi (palestre gratuite per studenti, abbonamenti a club sportivi a prezzi vantaggiosissimi).

L'italiano può dedicarsi all'arte e allo sport solo nel tempo libero dalla ricerca del lavoro. Ovvero mai. O 5 minuti al mese.

L'ingresso al mercato del lavoro di un tedesco avviene per telefonata. Ma non si tratta della telefonata di quello zio padre di tuo cugino di secondo grado che lavora al comune in cui lo esorti a darti la sua benedetta raccomandazione. No. È una grande azienda, un ente governativo, un qualcuno che ti offre un posto perché ha letto la tua tesi o ha parlato con un tuo professore universitario.
Il giovane tedesco è dubbioso, non sa se accettare la proposta di junior manager della BMW, remunerato 2000€ al mese, o se unirsi alla squadra di ingenieri che lavorano per il più grande centro di ricerca della Germania, remunerato 1800 €.

L'italiano intanto non ci pensa due volte di fronte all'offerta per lavorare al chioschetto al mare, pagato 900 € al mese. In nero. Novecento euro sono tanti. Ma un quarto di questi soldi verrano impiegati in benzina per raggiungere quel chioschetto in culo alla luna. Ed una volta finita l'estate, il giovane laureato torna a buttarsi a letto, esasperato, e con 200 € di risparmi nel cassetto. Magari se ne andrà in un altro paese, dove sarà considerato una nullità, perché non domina la lingua, non conosce la legislazione, non ha amici e farà un lavoro considerato inferiore dove guadagnerà uno stipendio che i locali vedono inferiore, ma che paragonato con i 900€ al nero è come una vincita al lotto. E magari incontrerà un tedesco, metteranno a confronto le loro esperienze e lui, come me adesso, si domanderà: “perché cazzo sono dovuto nascere io in Italia?”.

lunedì 19 agosto 2013

Pfand, c'est quoi? (français)

Cet article vient d'une événement qui m'a passé hier. Au bulot trois espagnoles s'approchent à moi en portant un ticket. Ils me demandent: “ce mot là, c'est quoi? Pfand? Peut il être qu'ils ont nous arnaqué comme que nous sommes des extrangeurs?”. Moi, je souris parce que j'ai pensé ça moi aussi la première fois que j'ai decouvert le pfand. Je n'était pas en Allemagne, j'était en Danemarque, ou ça s'appelle...boef, je ne sais pas, j'ai l'oublie. Je rapportais la bouteille au magasin, dehors il y avait une machine comme ceci:

J'introduisis la bouteille et j'imprimai le ticket. Je pensais que la machine aurait me laissé directement l'argent, mais non, c'est pas comme ça. La machine te laisse une ticket, et la procédure est comme ça: il faut apporter le ticket à la caisse où ils te redonneront ton argent. L'idée du pfand c'est l'idée du recyclage forcé: en quelques pays on marche entouré par les ordures (pensons, depuis d'un concert...), ici si tu as été bon y as reporté la bouteille, ils te redonnet l'argent. Sinon tu l'as perdu. C'est un otage...

Ne t'enquiète pas si tu as la sensation d'avoir payé plus de ce que tu as pensé, regarde le ticket, il ya le mot “Pfand”...

les bouteilles et les canettes ont ce marque:

a machine reconnait le marque et imprime une ticket qui a un code-barres qu'il faut apporter à la caisse.

Quelques articules sont diferents, ils ont l'écrit “Mehrwegflasche”. Dans ce cas il faut les apporter directement à la caisse.

Je crois que ce système fonctionne plutot bien, dans la rue je n'ai jamais vu des bouteilles.
Probablement elles ont toutes collectionées des Pfandsammlern, gens qui, au lieu de menier, collectionent les bouteilles dans la rue et les apportent aux magasins pour en faire un peu d'argent. C'est comme une coopération implicite: en recuperant les bouteilles ils gardent la ville propre, et pour ça ils gagnent 25 cents par bouteille.

Ce système fonctionne même pour les Becher (verres de plastique por les boissons à la pression) et les chopes de bière. Apparemment la bière est plus chère, mais quand on reporte la chope, ils on retournent un euro. Parfois les gens ne reportent les chopes, c'est comment les acheter par 1 euro. Je ne suis pas vraiment sure si ça est vu comme voler une chope que coûte plus qu'un euro, ou si c'est accepté comme qu'ils ne vont pas a reçoire sa caution. C'est une question pour les locaux, et
il peut être qu'ils mêmes aient des opinions en contraste.

Moi, je suis d'accord avec le système du pfand, je crois que c'est une très bonne idée. Et vous, qu'est ce que vous pensez?

En fin, payez attention quand vous êtes dans un pays de pfand, parce que ces bouteilles que vous avez jeté aux ordures peuvent valoir un peu d'argent (25 cents chaque articule, et n'oubliez pas que dans les pays nordiques le prix de la bière est entre 30-90 cents...). Maintendez les yeux ouverts!

sabato 6 luglio 2013

Pfand, what is that? (english)

Yesterday I decided to write an article about pfand after meeting at work three Spaniards who asked me, showing me a receipt “what does this word mean? Pfand? Is it that they saw that we are foreigner and they ripped us off?”. I smiled, because it was actually the same thing I thought when I had to deal with pfand. I was not in Germany, I was in Denmark where it is actually called....... well I don't know, I cannot remember now. I took the bottle back to the store where there was such machine:

I pushed the bottle in and printed a receipt. I was actually believing that the machine would give me money straight back, but no, it was not so. The machine can just print a receipt which has a barcode on, and the procedure is like this: you basically just need to bring to the receipt to the cashier, and they will give you your money back. The idea behind pfand is of course the forced recycling: while in some countries you might end up walking among the trash (think when you are walking away from a concert...) here, if you will be good and take the bottle back, they give you money. Or better: you pay a deposit on each bottle, so if you take the bottle back you will get the money, otherwise you lost them. It is a hostage....

Don't panic if you are paying more tha what you expected to, take a look at the receipt and you will read the word “Pfand”:

bottles and cans have this mark:

the machine will recognise it and print a receipt with a barcode on that has to be brought to the cashier.

Some are a little different, “Mehrwegflasche” is written on them. In this case you just have to take them directly to the cashier.

I believe that this system is working pretty well, on the streets I have never seen any bottle. Probably they have all been collected by the Pfandsammlern, people who, instead of panhandling, collect the bottles and take them to the stores to make some money out of them. It is a sort of implicit cooperation: collecting bottles they keep the city clean, and for that they earn 25 cents per bottle.

This system also works for Becher (cups for tap drinks) and beer mugs. Beer is aparently more expensive, but when you bring the cup back, they give you 1 euro. Sometimes people don't bring mugs back, like as if they were buying it just for one euro. I am not really sure about how this thing is seen, I don't know if they see it as if they were stealing a mug whose price is more than one euro, or if it's accepted since the people will not get their deposit back. That's a question for the locals, and perhaps they will also have contrasting opinions...

Personally, I like the pfand-system, I think it's a good idea. What do you think?

So, pay attention when you are in a pfand country, cause those bottles you've thrown in the trashbin are worth a little money (25 cents each, don't forget that in nordic countries beer's price is around 30-90 cents...). Keep your eyes open!  

Pfand, cioè? (italiano)

Questo articolo nasce da un accaduto di ieri. A lavoro tre spagnoli mi si avvicinano con uno scontrino, mi chiedono “cosa significa questa parola? Pfand? Non sarà mica che ci hanno fregato vedendo che siamo stranieri?”. Sorrido perché anche io l'ho pensato la prima volta che ho avuto a che fare col pfand. Non mi trovavo in Germania, ma in Danimarca dove si chiama.........non lo so, non me lo ricordo. Riportai la bottiglia del succo d'arancia al negozio, fuori c'era una macchinetta così

misi la bottiglia dentro e stampai lo scontrino. Io pensavo che la macchinetta mi avrebbe dato direttamente il denaro, ma apparentemente no, non era così. La macchinetta ti lascia uno scontrino dotato di codice a barre, la procedura da seguire è facile, basta portare lo scontrino alla cassa del negozio, e ti danno i soldi in dietro. Il pfand nasce dall'idea del riciclo forzato: mentre in alcuni Paesi si cammina tra i rifiuti (pensiamo alle montagne di bottiglie che rimangono a terra dopo un concerto) qui, se fai il bravo e riporti l'involucro, ti ridanno i soldi. Anzi, per dirla meglio, tu paghi una cauzione su quella bottiglia, se la riporti ti ritornano i soldi, sennò li hai persi. È una presa in ostaggio.

Non spaventatevi se pagate più del previsto, dando un'occhiata allo scontrino apparirà la scritta pfand:

E le bottiglie (o lattine) presentano questo marchio:

che verrà poi riconosciuto dalla macchinetta dove si stampa il buono con codice a barre per farsi ridare i soldi alla cassa.

Alcune sono un po' bastarde e presentano la scritta "Mehrwegflasche"

in questo caso la macchinetta non le riconosce, bisogna riportare direttamente all'impiegato del negozio, che ti ridarà i soldi.

Direi che il sistema funziona e che per strada non ci sono bottiglie orfane. Probabilmente sono state tutte raccolte dai famosi Pfandsammler, gente che invece di mendicare raccoglie i pfand dimenticati e li porta al negozio per farne un po' di soldi. È una specie di collaborazione implicita: togliendo le bottiglie tengono la città pulita, e in cambio si aggiudicano i 25 centesimi cada bottiglia.

Questo sistema si estende anche ai Becher (bicchieri per le bevande alla spina) e i boccali di birra. La birra costa di più, ma se porti indietro il bicchiere, ti viene restituito 1 €. A volte il bicchiere non viene restituito volontariamente, e la persona si compra il bicchiere/boccale al prezzo di un euro. Non so esattamente come venga vista la la cosa, non so se viene recepita come rubare un bicchiere che a volte vale più di un euro, o se viene accettata visto che comunque almeno un euro lo hai pagato. Questo va chiesto a una persona del posto, e chissà che anche loro abbiano opinioni discordanti.

Credo che il sistema pfand sia una buona idea, mi piace. E voi che ne pensate?

Occhi aperti la prossima volta che andate in un Paese dove esiste il pfand, le bottiglie che buttate nella spazzatura potrebbero valervi un bel po' di spicci (mediamente ogni oggetto vale 25 centesimi, e non è da dimenticare che nei paesi nordici il prezzo della birra è tra i 30-90 centesimi....).  Occhi aperti!